The SDSN is a dynamic organization with a mission to promote integrated sustainable development approaches globally with offices in three strategic locations across the globe. Our staff is integral to everything we do at the SDSN —shaping our culture, upholding our reputation for academic excellence and research integrity, and ensuring the success of our mission. Composed of individuals from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and expertise, our staff is united by a shared set of values and passion for advancing the SDGs to ensure a sustainable world for future generations.

The SDSN is committed to the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB). Our values and dedication to DEIB extend beyond the walls of our organization to our engagement with local communities, partner organizations, and stakeholders across the globe.

The Secretariat of the SDSN is located in Paris, France; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; and New York, USA.

SDSN Leadership

Jeffrey Sachs

  • President
  • SDSN Leadership

Stacey Clark

  • Vice President of Operations
  • SDSN Leadership

Guillaume Lafortune

  • Vice President and Head of the Paris Office
  • SDSN Leadership

María Cortés Puch

  • Vice President of Networks
  • SDSN Leadership

Emma Torres

  • Vice President of Americas and Head of the New York Office
  • SDSN Leadership

Patrick Paul Walsh

  • Vice President of Education and Director, SDG Academy
  • SDSN Leadership

Wing Thye Woo

  • Vice President for Asia and Head of the Kuala Lumpur Office; Co-Chair, SDSN South East Asia
  • SDSN Leadership

SDSN Secretariat

Amanda Abrom

  • Senior Manager
  • Global Schools Program

Dawn Adrian

  • Education Manager
  • SDG Academy

Sara Allali

  • Junior Economist
  • SDG Transformation Center

Adnane Amane

  • Junior Trade Analyst
  • FABLE Consortium

Ruben Andino

  • Senior Full Stack Web Developer
  • SDG Transformation Center

Raquel Armendariz Sucunza

  • Program Associate, Networks and Youth
  • Networks Program and SDSN Youth

Gabriela Arnal

  • Communications Consultant
  • Science Panel for the Amazon

Nivita Babajee

  • Financial Controller
  • Finance and Operations

Abigail Barrios

  • Financial Accountant
  • Finance and Operations

Leslie Bermont Diaz

  • Lead Economist, Global Commons Stewardship
  • SDG Transformation Center

Daniel Bernstein

  • Special Assistant and Program Associate
  • Science Panel for the Amazon and Climate and Energy Program

Giovanni Bruna

  • Senior Manager, Americas Lead
  • Networks Program

Karen Chand

  • Director, Education Studies; Co-Network Manager, SDSN Malaysia
  • Education Studies

Rachel Collie

  • Program Manager
  • FELD Catalyst

Kayla Colyard

  • Education Manager
  • SDG Academy

Davide Cozza

  • Junior Analyst
  • FABLE Consortium

Elena Crete

  • Head of Climate and Energy
  • SDSN Climate and Energy Program

Jessica Crist

  • Education Manager
  • SDG Academy

Stephanie Damiron

  • Director of Operations and Grant Management
  • Finance and Operations

Katja Anger-Delimi

  • Education Consultant
  • Ages Of Globalization

Gaëlle Descloîtres

  • Program Associate
  • Networks Program

Avia Destimianti

  • Research Fellow
  • Science Panel for Southeast Asia’s Biodiversity Protection

Maria Diaz

  • Senior Manager
  • FABLE Consortium

Clara Douzal

  • Researcher
  • FABLE Consortium

Katharina Emy

  • Office Manager and Assistant to Head of Paris Office and Vice President, Networks
  • Finance and Operations

Andrija Erac

  • Head of Networks
  • Networks Program

Andrew Fan

  • Director, Economic Studies
  • Economic Studies

Sybil Fares

  • MENA Advisor

Grayson Fuller

  • Senior Manager
  • SDG Transformation Center

Faustin Gasheja

  • Senior Manager, Africa Lead
  • Networks Program

Julianna Gil

  • Program Manager, Americas
  • Networks Program

Cecil Haverkamp

  • Director, FELD Programme
  • Principal, Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU)

Yi Jian Ho

  • Research Analyst
  • Access to Information

Guilherme Iablonovski

  • Geospatial Data Scientist
  • SDG Transformation Center

Lili Yan Ing

  • Distinguished Fellow
  • Science Panel for Borneo (SPB)

Isabela Carrozza Joia

  • Program Associate
  • SDG Academy

Subattra Kanesan

  • Research Analyst
  • Education Studies

Sherlina Kaur

  • Education Manager
  • SDG Academy

Hamza Kechiche

  • Communications Officer
  • Networks

Shannon Kobran

  • Head of Education and Training
  • SDG Academy

Phui Yi Kong

  • Research Analyst, Education Studies
  • Education Studies

Zofia Kunysz

  • Project Manager
  • Networks Program

Anela Layugan

  • GIS Analyst and Developer
  • SDGs Today

Chooi Yee Lee

  • Director
  • Finance and Operations (KL Office)

Isabella Leite Lucas

  • Senior Manager
  • Science Panel for the Amazon

Jeremy Lim

  • Data Analyst

Wai Sern Low

  • Research Analyst
  • ASEAN Green Future

Yuen Yoong Leong

  • Director, Sustainability Studies
  • ASEAN Green Future

Alyson Marks

  • Head of Communications and External Relations
  • SDSN Communications

Nur Amirah binti Abdul Majid

  • Senior Manager, Asia Pacific Lead
  • Networks Program

Isabella Massa

  • Senior Manager
  • SDG Transformation Center

Mazlin Mokhtar

  • Deputy Head for Research (KL Office) and Director, Ecological Studies
  • Science Panel for Southeast Asia’s Biodiversity Protection

Gillian Mortimer

  • Finance Senior Manager
  • FABLE and FELD

Aline Mosnier

  • Scientific Director
  • FABLE Consortium

Mustapa Mohamed

  • Distinguished Fellow
  • Economic Studies

Gautham Varada Narayan

  • Manager, Asia Pacific Networks
  • Networks Program

Elizabeth Nelson

  • Project Manager
  • Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition (CEET)

Abigail Orzolek

  • Senior Operations Manager
  • Finance and Operations

Helen Perham

  • Communications Coordinator
  • SDG Academy

Steph Pietras

  • Program Associate

Maureen Pinnock

  • Payroll and Human Resources Manager
  • Finance and Operations

Lila Potter

  • Program Associate
  • Science Panel for the Congo Basin

Maryam Rabiee

  • Head of SDGs Today and Acting Head of SDSN TReNDS
  • SDGs Today and SDSN TReNDS

Lucia Rodriguez

  • Director, Global Masters in Development Practice and DEIB Officer
  • SDG Academy

Jose Rodriguez

  • Finance and Contracts Manager
  • Finance and Operations

Ryan Swaney

  • Senior Designer and Developer
  • SDSN Communications

Julie Topf

  • Program Associate
  • Science Panel for the Amazon and Climate and Energy Program

Samory Toure

  • Economic Analyst
  • SDG Transformation Center

Amber Webb

  • Managing Director
  • SDG Academy

Pedro Weissheimer

  • Accountant
  • Finance and Operations

Chang Xi Wo

  • Research Analyst
  • Institutional Design

Chin Huat Wong

  • Deputy Head for Strategy (KL Office), and Director, Institutional Design
  • Institutional Design