SDSN Releases Joint Paper with the OECD on Localizing the SDGs in a Changing Landscape

This policy paper presents the results of a survey jointly conducted by the OECD, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network and the European Committee of the Regions on how to localize the SDGs in a changing international landscape marked by disasters and shocks.

This policy paper, published on March 20, 2024, presents the results of a survey jointly conducted by the OECD, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, and the European Committee of the Regions on how to localize the SDGs in a changing international landscape marked by disasters and shocks.

Findings show declining standards of living in many cities and regions, an increasing relevance of affordable and clean energy due to high energy prices and a growing importance of food security following disruptions in global food supply chains.

Moving forward, the paper presents possible strategies to further leverage the SDGs to design sustainable urban and regional development policies. It outlines pathways to counter high price levels and promote decarbonisation in production and consumption. Furthermore, it offers ways to promote sustainable food systems and reduce food waste through a circular economy approach and the integration of food policy into urban development strategies.

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