Photo Essay: Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition (CEET) at COP28

The Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition (CEET) attended the UNFCCC 28th Conference of Parties, COP28, in Dubai December 4-8, 2023 to bring their technical first-hand experience to conversations about advancing clean energy and sustainable development.

CEET kicked off COP28 with an internal meeting hosted at Heriot-Watt University’s Dubai Campus. The Heriot-Watt Climate Hub served as a space for council members to work, host meetings, and attend a series of events and exhibitions throughout COP28.

In addition to the internal meeting, the members participated in a variety of side events. For example, Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Professor Karen Scriver, Dr. Mercedes Maroto-Valer, and Dr. Tobias Orthen represented CEET at the UNFCCC Innovation Hub, on Tuesday, December 5th about “Identifying GHG reduction opportunities for heavy industries – an engineer’s perspective”, speaking alongside the CEET Steering Committee Member, Gajanana Hedge from the UNFCCC.

Watch the recording of the event.

Another side event was co-hosted with the Student Energy Summit, the Institution of Engineering and Technology, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers to explore the “Skills Development and Technological Tipping Points for Net Zero.” This was a chance for the CEET to engage directly with two world-renowned engineering networks and the next generation of young engineers needed for the global energy transition. Watch the recording.

Additionally, CEET engineers participated in side events organized by our partners, exploring the vital role that transmission, distribution, and grid interconnection will have to play in the energy transition, among other technological solutions.

On December 7th came CEET’s second internal meeting, where regional stakeholders were invited to discuss potential partnerships and opportunities for clean energy development across global regions.

Following the meeting the Council went to visit the Noor Energy 1 complex: the largest solar project in the world, featuring three unique types of solar technology.

To conclude the CEET’s activities at COP, Council member Dr. Mercedes Maroto-Valer won the The Mission Innovation Net-Zero Industries Award for Female Innovators! The award celebrates innovations in industrial decarbonization and highlights women who have had a particular impact on paving the path to net-zero.

The CEET would like to thank Heriot-Watt University and Noor facility for hosting, along with our partners at the UNFCCC and GEIDCO for their continued collaboration and support. The Council will continue to support and engage in critical dialogues around the world to help member states and stakeholders navigate the complex and changing landscape of the energy transition.