Professor Jeffrey Sachs Advocates for SDGs in Southeast Asia at Public Seminar in Indonesia

On June 29, 2024, United in Diversity, the host institution of SDSN Southeast Asia, and Prakerja, organized the Public Seminar Building Sustainable Future Through Lifelong Learning and Skill Development in the Djakarta Theater in Jakarta, Indonesia. This event, welcoming around 700 participants coming from multiple sectors across Indonesia, was honored to witness the President of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), Professor Jeffrey Sachs.

After an opening remark from Professor Boediono, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia from 2009 to 2014, Professor Jeffrey Sachs took the stage. Professor Jeffrey Sachs emphasized the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework to build a desirable future for the global community. He highlighted the holistic nature of sustainable development, which encompasses economic growth, social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and global cooperation. Despite the ambitious nature of the SDGs, current progress is insufficient to meet the 2030 targets due to persistent geopolitical tensions and inadequate political and economic reforms.

Insights from Professor Sachs’ session underscore the importance of a multidisciplinary and cooperative approach to global development. The SDGs provide a comprehensive framework, but their success hinges on addressing geopolitical challenges and making substantial investments in sustainable practices and human capital, like the Prakerja program that Indonesia initiated. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for shaping policies and strategies that can effectively contribute to global sustainability and peace.

The Public Seminar was followed by a Q & A moderated by Professor Arif Satria, Rector at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). Multiple issues were addressed, including the achievability of the SDGs by 2030, the way forward, and the role of the business sector. The importance of investing in the labor market, education, and skills development, were also discussed.

The event was then concluded by the two main leaders of both organizers, first Ibu Denni Puspa Purbasari, Prakerja Executive Director, and then Bapak Tantowi Yahya, President of the United in Diversity Foundation. Throughout the event, attendees had the opportunity to engage directly with the SDSN Southeast Asia team at a dedicated stand. This interactive experience allowed invitees to learn about SDSN initiatives and the SDGs, fostering a deeper understanding and commitment to sustainable development.

Achieving the SDGs requires a concerted global effort to address economic, social, environmental, and geopolitical challenges. Through cooperation and significant investments in human capital and sustainable practices, we can create a more just and sustainable future for all.

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs giving his lecture on Building sustainable future through lifelong learning and skill development
(L. to R : Marie Elka Pangestu, Denni Puspa Purbasari, Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, Pro. Boediono, Prof. Arif Satria and Tantowi Yahya)