SDSN Canada, Colleges & Institutes Canada, and Universities Canada Held a Second Webinar on “Reporting on the SDGs” for Canada’s Universities and Colleges

SDSN Canada, in collaboration with Colleges & Institutes Canada and Universities Canada, hosted a second webinar in the series: ‘Reporting on SDGs. Featuring three speakers, they shared their experiences and insights on reporting and introducing the SDGs in various ways to university campus planning and operations.

The conversation was facilitated by Joana Kagayo, M.S.c., and moderated by Ramota Morenike Ojurongbe, Program Coordinator for SDSN Canada. Webinar speakers included Jason Ens (Executive Director, Academic Policy, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives, from Concordia University); Wendy Gomez (Research Analysis and Proposal Development Officer, from University of Waterloo); and Amy Spark (Climate Specialist, from Bow Valley College).

The webinar follows the success of the Guide on SDGs Reporting launch, in October 2023, aiming to provide reference to how institutions, in Canada and around the world, report their progress on the SDGs. Additionally, the guide and webinar series’ objective is to accelerate SDG reporting, commitments, and action.

To learn more about reporting on the SDGs in Canadian universities and colleges, please visit the University of Waterloo/SDSN Canada website.