SDSN Releases New Paper on Adaptation, Loss and Damage: A Global Climate Impact Fund for Climate Justice

Building on the previous paper by Sachs et al. (2022) and from the literature, this new working paper entitled "Adaptation, Loss, and Damage: A Global Climate Impact Fund for Climate Justice, provides a taxonomy of climate-induced costs to identify their different types, sources and interactions.

The paper also proposes a pilot integrated conceptual and methodological framework to quantify and assess responsibilities across countries for adaptation and L&D costs, using indicator frameworks and methodologies from the existing attribution and contribution studies. It then makes an initial attempt to frame a dedicated Global Climate Impact Fund (GCIF) to share fairly and globally the burden of financing for adaptation and L&D costs from anthropogenic activities, among responsible countries. The authors argue that increased funding for adaptation and loss and damages must come hand-in-hand with the development of long-term resilience and sustainable development pathways, including medium term investment frameworks, in highly vulnerable countries and other countries.

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