
national Network
Region: Africa

SDSN Ghana, hosted by the University of Ghana (UG) Legon, University of Education Winneba (UEW), & Millennium Promise Alliance Ghana and established in 2022, mobilizes its members in Ghana and leverages their strengths to help realize the SDGs. Key focus areas include using research outcomes to contextualize realities and structure informed policies and institutional, community, and systemic awareness through a series of cross-sectoral leadership workshops, conferences, and seminars.

Member Institutions Support the Development of SDG Awareness Programs

The network actively engages with the University of Ghana and the University of Education to develop awareness programs among the university communities. The new Vice Chancellor of the University of Education supports the establishment of a Secretariat to coordinate the engagement and contributions to the progress of the SDGs.

The Network Participates in SDG Localization Programs and Research

The network has been involved in the national program on the localization of the SDGs. For instance, it has supported research to determine the funding gaps in the localization agenda.

SDSN Ghana Network Members

Organization Country Network Sector
Elizka Relief Foundation Ghana Ghana Non-Governmental Organization
African Health Economics and Policy Association Ghana Ghana Non-Governmental Organization
Alliance for Development Ghana Ghana Non-Governmental Organization
University for Development Studies Ghana Ghana University (Department/Institute)
Millennium Promise Ghana Ghana University (Department/Institute)
Ghana Christian University College Ghana Ghana University (Department/Institute)
University of Ghana Ghana Ghana University (Department/Institute)
University of Education, Winneba Ghana Ghana University (Department/Institute)
University of Cape Coast, School of Economics Ghana Ghana University (Department/Institute)
SNV Netherland Development Organization Ghana Ghana Non-Governmental Organization
Social Entrepreneurship Hub Ghana Ghana Non-Governmental Organization
Social Entrepreneurship Hub Ghana Ghana Non-Governmental Organization

Featured News


Seth Ohemeng-Dapaah

  • Co-Chair
  • Ghana

SDSN Focal Point

Faustin Gasheja

  • Senior Manager, Africa Lead
  • Networks Program