Ivory Coast

national Network
Region: Africa

SDSN Ivory Coast, hosted by the University of Alassane Ouattara and established in 2023, mobilizes its members in Ivory Coast and leverages their strengths to help realize the SDGs. Key focus areas include community health, sanitation, employability, sustainable cities, education, renewable energies and energy efficiency to leverage new technologies and consciously work to advance the SDGs.

SDSN Ivory Coast Network Members

Organization Country Network Sector
Alassane Ouattara University Côte D'Ivoire Ivory Coast University (Department/Institute)

Featured News

SDSN Focal Point

Faustin Gasheja

  • Senior Manager, Africa Lead
  • Networks Program


Koffi Kouakou

  • Chair
  • SDSN Ivory Coast

SEKONGO Gossouhon

  • Network Manager
  • SDSN Ivory Coast