regional Network
SDSN Sahel mobilizes local knowledge to advance viable solutions to sustainable development challenges in the Sahel region. The network, hosted by Université Alioune Diop de Bambey, and established in 2015, includes the following countries: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, The Gambia, Guinea Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, and Senegal. Key focus areas include promoting local solutions to sustainable development challenges in the Sahel region via workshops and seminars, including hosting a high-level virtual forum on post-COVID-19 solutions, as well as engaging with key government partners and stakeholders in the Data For Now initiative to produce a repository of urban data and tools.
Network Hosts

SDSN Sahel Network Members
Organization | Country | Network | Sector |
Action Group for Children in Sahel | Mali | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
Agence Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique Appliquée (ANRSA) | Senegal | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
Agricultural and Rural Prospective Initiative | Senegal | Sahel | Research Institution |
Alioune Diop University | Senegal | Sahel | Non-Governmental Organization |
Association Innovation pour Développement Economique par l'Action Locale | Senegal | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
Association Malienne pour la Sécurité et la Souvérainté Alimentaires | Mali | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
Catholic University of Cameroon (CATUC, Bamenda). | Cameroon | CameroonSahel | University (Institution-wide) |
Centre Africain d'Etudes Supérieures en Gestion (CESAG) | Senegal | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
Coalition pour l'Accès à l'Eau Potable, l'Hygiène et l'Assainissement (CAEPHA) | Mali | Sahel | |
Department of Geography, University of Buea | Cameroon | CameroonSahel | University (Department/Institute) |
Ecole Inter-états des Sciences et Médecine Vétérinaires (EISMV) de Dakar | Senegal | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
Ecole Supérieure Multinationale des Télécommunications ESMT | Senegal | Sahel | Non-Governmental Organization |
ENDA Tiers Monde | Senegal | Sahel | Non-Governmental Organization |
Femmes Africa Solidarité | Senegal | Sahel | Non-Governmental Organization |
Groupe Ecole supérieure de Commerce de Dakar | Senegal | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
Groupe Institut Africain de Management (IAM) | Senegal | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
ILCI Business School | Mali | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
INSAH - Institut du Sahel | Mali | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
Institut Africain de Développement Local (I.A.D.L) | Senegal | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
Institut des Metiers de l'Environement et de la Metrologie | Senegal | Sahel | Non-Governmental Organization |
Institut National de Cartographie (INC) | Cameroon | CameroonSahel | University (Department/Institute) |
Institut National de Recherche en Santé Publique (INRSP) | Mali | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
Institut Polytechnique Panafrican | Senegal | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
Institut Polytechnique Rural de Formation et de Recherche Appliquée (IPR/IFRA) Katibougou | Mali | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
International Center for Environmental Education & Community Development (ICENECDEV) | Cameroon | CameroonSahel | Non-Governmental Organization |
Local Development Institute | Senegal | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
National Centre for Education (CNE) | Cameroon | CameroonSahel | Research Institution |
Observatoire du Dévéloppement Humain Durable et de la Lutte Contre la Pauvreté (ODHD/LCP) | Mali | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
Senegal Virtual University | Senegal | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
Social and Environmental Sciences Laboratory, University of Dschang | Cameroon | CameroonSahel | University (Department/Institute) |
Tahoua University | Niger | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
Technical Unit of Strategic Framework for the Fight Against Poverty | Mali | Sahel | Non-Governmental Organization |
The International Centre for Research, Inter-religious Dialogue and Development (RIDEV) | Cameroon | CameroonSahel | Research Institution |
Universite Cheikh Anta Diop | Senegal | Sahel | University (Department/Institute)Government Agency |
Universite Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar | Senegal | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
Universite de Ségou | Mali | Sahel | Non-Governmental Organization |
Université des Sciences Sociales et de Gestion de Bamako (USSGB) | Mali | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
Université Gemini Mali | Mali | Sahel | Non-Governmental Organization |
Université Kofi Annan de Guinée | Guinea | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
University Gaston Berger | Senegal | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
University Institute of Enterprise and Development | Senegal | Sahel | University (Department/Institute) |
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Networks in Action Report 2022

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